In partnership with the Forest Service LTBMU and the North Tahoe Public Utility District, and with funding support from the Truckee Tahoe Airport and the Tahoe Fund, TAMBA helped build the Beaver Tail Trail in Kings Beach in 2019. In addition to building almost one mile of new trail, the project also included general maintenance of existing trails in the area, sign installation and updates, and parking area improvements.
Project Profile
The goal of the project was to address issues with erosion, to improve the sustainability of the current trail system, and to enhance the recreation experience. Modeling conducted prior to the project suggested that eroded trails contributed between 0.2 and 1.3 tons of sediment to Griff Creek per year. With updated trail design and construction, erosion can be reduced by 90% and at the same time, the user experience can be improved. Some of the existing trails in the area were rerouted to improve drainage and enhance sustainability. Project work started in 2018 and continued through 2019. There will be future work and additional improvements made to the trail system.
Beaver Tail Trail (Middle) on Trailforks.com