The 2022 build season has officially begun on Stanford Rock! Yesterday your TAMBA volunteer crew leaders Jeff and Sandor hauled tools to our newest work location (20+ tools hauled 4 miles and over 1,200 vertical feet). Jeff and Sandor completed flagging and prep work for the newest trail on the West Shore – the Kaspian Rim Trail.

TAMBA will be building about 2.5 miles of new trail from Stanford Rock. This new trail will create new loops, new connectivity on the West Shore, jaw dropping views, and more epic flow.
This is a volunteer build project and WE NEED YOU!
Our first public build day on the new Kaspian Rim Trail will be SATURDAY, JUNE 4. We are looking for 8-12 volunteers to help crew leaders Jeff and Sandor with corridor clearing and prep work. No experience necessary. We need people to cut brush, move sticks and logs, and rake out the corridor in prep for tread construction. Be the among the first to see this new trail!
We will be working above the second meadow, about 4 miles up Stanford Rock trail. Bring a bike and your PPE. (There are still a few snow patches in shady spots, but our work area is clear. Expect about 500’ of snow patches above 7,000’ elevation).
Where- Stanford Rock upper meadows (see map)
When- Saturday June 4, 9am-2pm

Bring a bike and your PPE (long pants, long sleeve shirt, bike helmet, gloves, glasses and ride to the work location at your own pace. Follow the signs!