The day after election day we held a party – all politics were thrown aside and bikes ruled the night. Well over a 100 people showed up to Mo’s in South Lake Tahoe throughout the night to cheers another great season. Strength in Numbers and Where the Trail Ends played all night on a dozen flat screens along with a loop of TAMBA photos. Not only was this an awesome time with great support – This was also the biggest single fundraiser we’ve held.
Once Judy (our super star Treasurer) adds up all the donations we’re expecting to have raised around $3,000 between the raffle and memberships! This is a huge boost towards funding our trail projects for next year’s such as the monthly trail build days, buying tools and food for trail workers, building new features on Corral Trail, creating a new Kingsbury DH trail, new trails at Spooner State Park, the Bijou Bike Park, and the list goes on… Click here to see a list of 2012 Highlights. If you did not renew or join for 2013, now is the time. Remember if you join in person at Pearl Izumi in SLT you get a free TAMBA tshirt.
Thanks again to everyone that makes TAMBA successful. We are always looking for new people to step up and help out our small band of volunteers, email us or stop by a monthly meeting. Next one is November 28th at 6:30pm at Design Workshop in Stateline, NV on lower Kingsbury Grade.
Unclaimed raffle prizes (the numbers are the last 3 digits of the raffle number)
504: Pound of Coffee from Alpen Sierra Coffee Roasting Company
370: Bottle of Port (Illuminare)
367: K2 shirt and Jersey courtesy of Tahoe Mountain Sports
495: 25$ gift Certificate to Riva Grill on The Lake
640: Danny Hart Shirt and Tahoe Adventure Map
324: Danny Hart Shirt and Tahoe Adventure Map
These are just the winners who did not leave their name on their tickets. Contact me and we’ll arrange a pickup.