June 29th (Tahoe City): We’ll be hosting a trail day in conjunction with Adventure Sports Week. Meet at 9am at Tahoe XC at 925 Country Club Drive in Tahoe City. We’ll ride up to the worksite off of FS Road 16N49 and finish a connector trail between that trail and the TRT. Lunch will be provided by The Burrito Window as well as post work refreshments from TAMBA. The trail day is sponsored by Olympic Bike Shop and Gravity Shop.
UPDATE: Due to the heat, we’ll be making it a half day and cutting out around lunchtime. Also, the work location has been changed. Still meeting at Tahoe XC. You can still ride in to the worksite near the Fibreboard Freeway or we’ll be working out a 4WD carpool up there to save some time. Lunch is still provided by the Burrito Window!