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AMGEN Volunteers Needed

By April 25, 2011No Comments

TAMBA volunteers needed for AMGEN Legend ride at Lake TahoeTAMBA has committed to working a rest stop at the Legends Ride on Saturday, May 14 during the Amgen TOC weekend. This is a great opportunity for us to not only get our name out there, but also raise some much needed funds to help us get off the ground. We need a handful of volunteers to join us and work the rest stop at the top of Spooner. We would need two people to pick up the truck in SLT around 6-7am in the morning and take it to Spooner and four more people to meet at the rest stop around 9:30am. Everyone should be done by 4pm. If you can help, please e-mail Lauren at LLindley at pearlizumi dot com or at 530-541-9044.