So what did TAMBA do for you and your community this year?…uh, a lot! We finished the Incline Flume, Red House Flume, and Lake View trails. We created the new Tamarack and Stanford Rock trails.We added a gonzo optional route on the Stinger Trail and adopted a new section of Powerline Trail. TAMBA has started work on an ambitious project connecting Angora Lakes to Lily Lake near Fallen Leaf Lake, called the Lily Lake Trail. Finally, TAMBA did maintenance on numerous trails including Corral and Toad’s. And we had fun doing it.
———–There’s still trail work opportunities continuing this year. Please click here or go to our facebook page for more.————
Next year we’ll continue adding miles to the Stanford Rock Trail, we’ll do our best to get the Lily Lake Trail rideable, and we might work on connecting the Powerline Trail to Railroad Grade. So cancel the cross training membership and volunteer for trail work days!