TAMBA organizes dozens of trail days each year, and whether you are a team leader or just stop in to contribute an hour of work every little bit helps us keep the trails in optimal shape. Our overriding concern is for your safety. Accidents happen – even with experienced professionals – but inexperienced, enthusiastic people working in close proximity to others represents an increased risk, which we need to minimizeĀ as much as possible. There are certain responsibilities TAMBA leadership has and responsibility YOU have to make trail maintenance about the trail and not about hospital visits.
At each trail maintenance event TAMBA will:
- Provide site, weather, and tools safety briefings.
- Have first-aid (or higher) and CPR-certified personnel on site with a first-aid kit.
- Have communications and management plans in place in case of emergency.
- Cover every participant through U.S. Forest Service workers comp insurance.
- Try to make the event as fun as possible.
Your responsibility is to:
- Comply with TAMBA leaders’ guidance.
- Conduct yourself in a safe and responsible manner.
- Wear long sleeves, long pants, sturdy shoes (no sandals), gloves, eye protection, and a helmet at all times.
- Bring water, food, and sunscreen.
- Have fun. Ride!