GivingTuesday is a global movement unleashing the power of generosity that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.
This #GivingTuesday, we announced TAMBA’s [Re]Build the Future: December Donor Drive.
[Re]Build the Future: December Donor Drive has been established in part to support efforts to rebuild and restore trails impacted by the Caldor fire, so we can continue working toward our main goal of developing 50 miles of trail basin-wide. By donating this month during the TAMBA [Re]Build the Future: December Donor Drive, your contribution goes directly to building efforts of the trails you enjoy. All donations to the TAMBA [Re]Build the Future will be unrestricted.
- TAMBA plans in 2022
- Rebuild and restore trails impacted by the Caldor Fire
- Build + maintain trails basin-wide, with diversity for all skill levels (we aim to develop 50 miles of trail by 2030)
- Make signage and infrastructure upgrades
- Add crew members + host fun volunteer days!
Donate today to get your TAMBA gear: $100+ gets you a pair of TAMBA socks and $250+ gets you a t-shirt!
Consider these other ways to support Tahoe Trails:
- Does your company match donations? Don’t forget to apply!
- Become a core supporter.
- If you can’t shop locally, choose Tahoe Area Mountain Biking Association as your charity for AmazonSmile.
- Share this with anyone that loves multi-use trails in Lake Tahoe.
- Sign up for our newsletter for future volunteer opportunities.