The Tahoe Area Mountain Biking Association(TAMBA) will be hosting the MTB Tahoe ’13 Camp, Build & Ride weekend on July 19-21. This is a weekend of showing a little love to the trails while enjoying the beauty of Lake Tahoe. For this year we’ll be working with the USFS to help build a brand new trail in the high country.
Volunteers will spend Saturday riding up to the work site and helping TAMBA and the US Forest Service build the new Monument Pass Connector between High Meadow (at the top of Cold Creek Trail) and the Tahoe Rim Trail in South Lake Tahoe.
Camping on Friday and Saturday night for up to 40 people will be provided at the Campground by the Lake in South Lake Tahoe. Campground by the Lake is across the street from the beach as well as Sprouts Natural Foods Cafe and other restaurants. Lunch on Saturday during the trail day is also included along with a post work BBQ and drinks.
There will be a special TAMBA fundraiser on Friday night at Sports LTD in South Lake (a couple mile ride from camp or you can drive over). Rebecca Rusch will be doing a presentation on her recent 142 mile Kokopelli world record ride. Great social mixer with snacks, drinks and a raffle part of the $15 entry donation.
We will ride up to the trail work site on Saturday – about 3 miles from the trail head. The trailhead is a couple miles from camp. We will be able to shuttle gear up to High Meadow near the worksite. There will be options to ride after the work day with gear shuttles back to camp available. Sunday will have group rides of several ability levels in the South Lake Tahoe Area. Cost is a reasonable $10 to offset campsite and food costs. If you don’t want to camp with the group, there are multiple other lodging options nearby.
There is no cost to attend just the trail work or rides but please still RSVP so we have enough food and drink.

Approximate location of the new Monument Trail we will help the USFS build on July 20th