Recent Trail Work!
June was jam-packed with volunteer days. Ride Concepts employees came out to help dig trail for the lower Tyrolian reroute. The following week Liberty Utilities worked on the Meeks Ridge trail and cut 1000 ft of new tread. There is now over 1/3 mile of tread cut. Work has continued on Christmas Valley alternate lines, returning the old trail feel in a sustainable manner. TAMBA would like to thank the LTBMU for the approvals on the new alternate lines after several years of collaboration and planning. The new Kaspian Rim trail is really starting to take shape, thanks to all the volunteers who have been out there working on it, and an especially big thanks to the California Mountain Bike Coalition work day with trail group leaders and builders from all over California.
Above: CAMTB volunteers on Kaspian Rim trail.
Above: Ride Concepts work day on Lower Tyrolian trail.
photo Emily Tidwell
Above: You may have heard about, or ridden, some of the recently constructed alternate lines adjoining the Christmas Valley trail. Similar to the advanced line built 5 years ago at the top of Stinger, these optional trail sections are developed with approval from the USFS.
Sustainable design using rock armoring means they will ride well for many years. It’s always a good idea to inspect the difficult sections first to make sure you’re ready for it, and stay aware of other users as you merge back on to the main trail.