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Welcome to the TAMBA Board Application webpage.

Below is a collection of documents to guide you through the application process and provide you with key background documents.

  1. Application Letter
  2. Board Handbook (documents linked in the Handbook are provided below)
    1. Bylaws
    2. Strategic Plan
    3. Organizational Chart
    4. Position Descriptions: Trails Coordinator, Administrative Assistant, and Bookkeeper
    5. Conflict of Interest Policy
    6. Annual Accomplishments Summary
    7. Annual Financial Report
    8. USFS LTBMU/TAMBA Volunteer Services Agreement

If you have questions or concerns, contact anyone on the selection committee:,, or This is a hidden webpage, so please do not share the link. We would appreciate your submission use the Google Pages application, although we can work with MS Word as well. Just send your application document or a link to your document to so he can download and share with the rest of the board. One last thing, all roles on the TAMBA Board are available for your consideration except Board President.