2022 Trail Projects
The 2022 field season is upon us! We have exciting projects around the lake planned for this year. Here is a quick snapshot of what we’ll be up to:
- Bijou Bike Park – Plan for Tuneup Tuesday’s every week (weather dependent) starting now through November. Come on out each week at 6pm and help us keep the bike park in top shape!
- Caldor Fire Repairs – Continuing repairs where we left off last Fall, including rebuilding bridges, fixing retaining walls, reconstructing the trail tread, and replacing signs.
- Incline Lake Trails Upgrades – The Forest Service adopted the social trails in the Incline Lake area by Mount Rose Summit. Work will include upgrades on those trails, including improving signage and BMP’s around sensitive stream areas.
- Kaspian Rim – A variation on the Stanford Rock Trail that will connect down towards the Kaspian Campground/Blackwood Canyon Sno-park and make for a shorter loop option for those not wanting to go all the way to the top of Stanford Rock. In the future this will help connect singletrack south towards Homewood and beyond.
- Lower Stinger Reroute – TAMBA received a NV OHV grant to help re-route the lower 1.5 miles of the Stinger Trail so it no longer finishes in a suburban neighborhood, but will instead end at a better developed trailhead off Sewer Plant Road. It will have 300 vertical feet more descending and incorporate some great lake views and fun features.
- Lower Tyrolian Reroute – Continuing a reroute of the bottom half mile of Tyrolian that crosses back to the east side of Incline Creek and incorporates some more technical features instead of the flatter pedal among the homes.
- Meeks Ridge Trail – Starting a new trail that will connect from Meeks Bay up to the Lost Lake Trail and will follow the ridge line to the north of Meeks Meadow. There was an old logging road on this route that we will be replacing with about 4 miles of singletrack and will make for a fun 10-12 mile loop when completed next year.
- Road 73 Bypass – We’ll be starting on the flagging and construction of a singletrack option on the north shore by Tahoe City to avoid Road 73 (Fiberboard freeway) for those going from Beartrap Connector (#17E14) up to Whoop Dee Doo or the TRT.
- Tunnel Creek Singletrack – Breaking ground on a new singletrack trail connecting the Incline Flume at Tunnel Creek Road down to the bottom of Tunnel Creek Road. This project is due to a great partnership between NV State Parks, the Great Basin Institute, the Tahoe Fund and a NV RTP Grant.
- General Trail Maintenance – In addition to the projects listed here, we’ll of course be doing ongoing basin maintenance on trails throughout the Basin including clearing trees, removing brush and fixing drainage issues.
Stay up to date as volunteer days are scheduled by keeping an eye on our calendar.
If you haven’t already, you can fill out our volunteer interest form so you can be alerted when volunteer days are happening that are of interest to you.
Finally, if you are interested in becoming a volunteer crew leader you can sign up for our upcoming crew leader training May 14th and 15th, by filling out this interest form. It is limited to 12 attendees, so sign up soon or you can be added to the waitlist if full.
Upcoming Events
- April 24 – South Lake Tahoe Earth Day Celebration at Bijou Park – Bring the family out to check out the free Earth Day Festival and stop by the TAMBA booth!
- May 14/15 – New Crew Leader Training – Fill out your interest form here.
- May 20 – TAMBA Spring Party @ Heavenly Cal Lodge – Stay tuned for more details!
- June 18/19 – Tahoe Mountain Bike Festival!
Photos: Left to right
1) Enjoying the spring conditions on Armstrong Connector Trail
2) A small strike team got out for some early season maintenance in the Corral Trail area
We want to see your photos! Tag @tambatahoe or use #TambaTahoe
The Next GenerationRecently Rhys Davies, a South Tahoe High Senior student, reached out to TAMBA to inquire if he could learn about trail building and stewardship for his senior project (a requirement before graduation). TAMBA staff met with Rhys and demonstrated trail construction methods, necessary tools, and guidelines. Together, they planned a trail work day with Carson Valley Trails Association (CTVA), as Tahoe trails were still under snow at the time. Rhys and another graduating senior, Alex, spent a day working on the new Clear Creek Trail learning hands-on skills from CVTA Trails Director, Jeremy. Rhys and Alex had a great time and enjoyed leaving a finished trail for others to enjoy! Rhys also joined a small team to work on Corral and Connector after the early season snowmelt. Rhys is an active mountain biker and has been a member of the local Alta Alpina Composite mountain bike team in the Nevada NICA League. Rhys is hoping to study engineering at Cal Poly upon his graduation this year. We wish him all the best as he moves onto college and have enjoyed working with him on his senior project. “I like the physical aspect of trail building and feel my time on this project brought me so much more than just a box to tick in order to graduate.” Rhys D. |
Current Trail Status
While winter seems to have returned this week, the trails in general are melting very fast. Prior to the current storms, many low elevation south facing trails were melted out. The Corral/Connector area melted out much faster than normal due to the Caldor Fire and the lack of tree cover and ash blanketing the snow. We got out with a small strike team to get those trails tuned up. Please be aware that the bridges in the fire scar are still out and likely won’t be replaced until mid-May.
Most trails above 7000′ still have a decent amount of patchy snow.
Please let us know if you come across downed trees this spring by sending us an email at trails@tamba.org. Please include as accurate of a location as you can, approximate diameter of tree(s) and a photo is very helpful!
Before the recent snow we got out and cleared most of the trees from the north side of Tahoe Mountain.
Busy Trails
As everyone knows, we’ve seen a huge increase in trail use over the past two years and that trend will certainly continue this year. Please be courteous to all trail users you see enjoying the trails. Here are a couple tips to remember when you’re out.
- Alert users when you’re approaching, slow down and say hello. Let other users know how many people are in your group behind you.
- Avoid the crowds by getting an early start on your day. The trails are most busy from 10 am – 4 pm.
- Ride from home whenever possible to reduce trailhead parking congestion. Rack up some extra miles!
- If you’re parking in a neighborhood, please be respectful of the residents.
- Pack out what you pack in and pick up litter if you do see it.